Today God showed me a different side of Himself. :) I have always known He is good, and that He is faithful, and that He cares about everything, big or little; but today I really saw just how much He listens, how much He loves me and how much He cares.. about the little things. :)
This is me a few weeks ago at Petroglyph Beach in the tiny town of Wrangell on Alaska's Inside Passage. It's so pretty there! So after travelling for the past month through beautiful Alaska and Canada, leading a tour of the most amazing people, today we flew from Anchorage to Victoria, via Seattle. Over the past two weeks, some of my dear friends have also been travelling around the USA, on a Planetshakers Tour. Now, obviously I have known we have been in the same continent, however thousands of miles apart, so the thought that we might cross paths never even entered my mind.
(Below: supersized Dahlia in Anchorage!)
(Below: supersized Dahlia in Anchorage!)
Until two days ago when I saw they were in Washington. I mentioned to my friend I would be flying through Seattle to get to Victoria and almost jokingly I asked what time they would be there. It turned out they were flying out of Seattle not long after I was due to arrive. Miles away from home, we would be there at the same airport at the same time. "What are the odds of our flights being in the same terminal though?" I thought. Anyway, I shared my secret little heart's desire with God and left it at that. :)
(Below: beautiful Fireweed)
(Below: beautiful Fireweed)
Arriving in Seattle, I quickly scanned the crowd, hoping for a glimpse of one of them. Nothing. "Oh well" I thought, and focused on my group. Chatting away to them, I felt a tap on my shoulder. There, standing there in the middle of Seattle International Airport was my dear friend, with a huge grin on her face! Overwhelmed and slightly emotional I gasped, unable to contemplate what I was seeing! I glanced over to see 5 more of my friends standing there in a circle, just as bewildered as me! This is us at our little 5 minute reunion....
We hugged intently, took this quick pic and then in a wave of emotion we had to break free again. They had to rush off to board and I, the shepherd, had to rush to get my 17 little sheep to a train in another terminal so we didn't miss our connecting flight. In a moment, it was all over. Slightly emotional and completely overwhelmed, I shook my head and smiled in disbelief at what had just happened. I was amazed at the goodness and kindness of my Heavenly Father, that He would care so much about this secret desire of my heart, that he would orchestrate such a connection. And I love that He knew and had planned it alllll along. What a sneak!
(Below: stunning Lilies in Ketchikan)

(Below: stunning Lilies in Ketchikan)

So faithful is our God. Full of love and kindness and generosity and compassion. So my friends... this is what we can hold on to today!
YES! He has surprises for you around ever corner, blessings for you in His hands, so delight in Him and just ask. :) May you be blessed beyond belief today! Let us all look for the little things to be thankful for. :)
From Victoria, BC, Canada... Love you guys!
nat x
Images - Natalie Box (Last image)