Hi my friends! How is your week so far? Guess what... it's only 36 sleeps til Christmas woo hoo! :) Soooo, I have some exciting news to share with you today. As you probably know by now, my heart for The Writer's Ink is to encourage you (and everyone else I can possibly find!) and to inspire you. From my very first blog posts in 2012 my vision has been to encourage you to think bigger, to follow the dreams in your heart, to flourish and thrive in all you do and to understand just how amazing you are! For the last two and a half years I have done my best to inspire you to take crazy risks, to ignore fear, to stir up your gifts, to step out in faith, to expect abundance, and truly believe that at any moment, anything can happen. :)
So just as I have been encouraging you guys to step out and believe 'anything can happen' I've also been on this journey myself. For the past three months I have been on my own 'crazy leap of faith', moving to New York for two months, and writing this book. I'll tell you about my NYC experience soon, but I'll just say that it was extravagantly more than I even imagined! A dream come true.
So after such a such an extravagant trip, I wondered, what could be next? Upon returning from my time away, I purposely asked myself "okay, what are my dreams?" As we purposely 'stir up the gifts of God within us', awakening the deep things of our hearts, God loves it and he partners with us. And when he partners with us, things actually happen. When we take the time to stop and really listen to our hearts, it's amazing what we hear :) In the last three weeks I have seen the passion for my vision for The Writers Ink and my book Anything Can Happen grow so much. :) I just love picturing you guys reading this, seeing the gold in you and encouraging you to stir it up and run after your dreams. So... that's why I have decided to step it up and create a bigger platform for me to do this. How? Scroll down for the news :) xoxo
1. Brand New Logo.
So the first exciting news is the fresh new branding of The Writer's Ink. Just before I left for America I had the pleasure of working with my very inspiring friend Rachel McCarthy at Peep Designs to design this fab new logo, and the first element we worked on was my business cards. I took them overseas with me and as it was such an amazing way to connect with people. I wasn't sure what to do with them, but as people asked about my writing, I just handed them out and the response was so lovely. :)
2. New Website and Launch.
And the second piece of exciting news is, I am upgrading this little blog to a full website! I have been working with my fab friend Mark Peric to create this little haven of encouragement, inspiration, beauty and creativity. I also have a few more surprises I am working on at the moment that will be ready for the launch. Eek so exciting. So stay tuned!
So what about you my dear friend, what's bubbling up on the inside of your heart at the moment? We still have six full weeks left of 2014 which means there is plenty of time to see one (or more!) of your dreams come true ;) I love Paul's passion when he says this...
So let's stir up those gifts and keep them ablaze today okay! Yep, that's what we've gotta do. So be encouraged... write out this scripture and stick it to your bathroom mirror!
I love you lots and am cheering you on always :)
Love Nat xoxo
All other images :: via Natalie Box