I saw this quote by Theodore Roosevelt the other day and I thought it was cool. As you’ve probably noticed, I love seeing the beauty in everything. And I am training myself to cultivate an attitude of thankfulness, no matter how challenging my circumstances may be. However, as I surround myself with beautiful things that inspire, even the pretty and lovely things I blog about, I am learning that as beautiful as all these things are, they are not really enough be my only source of inspiration. I’ve also been noticing there is a big difference between inspiration and comparison.
Comparison is estimating, measuring, or noting the similarity or dissimilarity between different things. It’s basically looking at something or someone, and then looking at what you have, and quickly analysing the two to determine which is better. And the hilarious thing is, we usually do this so quickly that we don’t even notice we do it!
Comparison can only breed two things: insecurity or
pride. And both steal true joy. Either we look
at someone or something and feel insecure because what we have is not as good..
OR we feel what we have is better, generating feelings of superiority, which I
just don’t think is pretty at all.
Inspiration however, is the process of being mentally stimulated with the urge to do or feel something, usually something creative. It’s a sudden brilliant, creative, or timely idea. (Inspiration is also defined as the drawing in of breath.. cool huh.) Inspiration also creates a feeling of encouragement. Think back to a time when you’ve felt so inspired. I bet you felt encouraged and strengthened at the same time. Like you could take on the world and there was nothing that could stop you.
Happiness comes
from stuff. Joy comes from knowing who we are and who’s we are. So let us of
course be inspired by all the pretty things around us.. fashion, beautiful
homes, holidays.. but let them not
define our inspiration. True JOY is
the only thing that can satisfy.
Happy weekend!
nat x
Such a good reminder!!! I'm ready to be inspired today! :)