Distraction is a frustrating thing isn't it? The definition of distraction is: a thing that prevents someone from giving full attention to something else, to cause someone to turn away from their original focus of attention or interest.
You might be able to relate to this, at times we find we have the best intentions of doing something... then something else comes along and distracts us. The scene goes like this: We're doing something important, we glance at something slightly more appealing, (which may or may not involve fashion or decorating) immediately our eyes widen, our attention has been captured, our head whips around 180 degrees and off we go galavanting a hundred miles an hour in the opposite direction after the "new thing", instead of focusing and FINISHING what we started! Anyone know what I mean?!
But as fun and appealing as other things might seem to be, sometimes we just need to fix our eyes on what we are going for and keep moving forward.

Happy weekend!
nat x
But as fun and appealing as other things might seem to be, sometimes we just need to fix our eyes on what we are going for and keep moving forward.
...I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God
has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus.
I have been challenged of late to be aware of the distractions. They come so easily don't they? And they are usually so subtle that we don't even realise we've even been distracted until we're half way down a street we didn't even mean to turn down! I love how this scripture above puts it all in perspective. Everything we do has an effect on eternity. So as we fix our eyes on the unseen prize, we will surely be finishers of what we have begun, achieving an eternal glory that far outweighs everything else. :)Happy weekend!
nat x
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Nat xx