Do you think outside the box? What does that mean to you? Lately I've been focusing on stirring up the creativity and trying think of some new and different things to feature on The Writer's Ink. Thinking inside the box is defined as "thinking in a traditional fashion, bound by old, nonfunctional, or limiting structures, rules or practices". Well, hello... that just makes me feel claustrophobic. So then.. what is thinking outside the box? It means to think "differently, unconventionally or from a new perspective". Now that sounds like fun.

A few months ago I really focused on thinking outside the box. I had an idea to introduce a feature on the blog called Inspired By :: where I will feature writers, bloggers, designers and others who inspire me. So to launch this series I will be featuring one of my absolute favourite writers, Vicki Archer. Vicki is an Australian writer who moved to France with her family after they fell in love with a gorgeous farm house in Provence. She has written two beautiful books and her blog French Essence continues to inspire me daily. Anyway, I contacted Vicki a few months ago regarding an interview, and she graciously agreed. And after chatting with her over the past few weeks, I will be beginning my new blog series Inspired By :: with her fabulous interview in a few days! Eek how exciting!
So I guess this has really encouraged me, and confirmed that thinking outside the box and allowing yourself to dream really does open up so much more of what is inside your heart. :) I think I mentioned this scripture the other day, but I love it and want to share it again because it is SO true. "God can do anything, you know - far more than you could ever imagine or guess or request in your wildest dreams!" With God the possibilities are limitless. Seriously ANYTHING can happen!
So what I heard my friend say the other day I now say to you too...
Do you think it's time for you to go out on a limb?
Do you think it's time for you to go out on a limb?

After all, that's where the fruit is isn't it? :)
love nat x
PS... let me know what dreams come when you think outside the box and I'll totally cheer you on!
Here's to thinking and living outside the box! It's sooooo much more fun! Come on you can do it. My challenge for you today is sit for ten minutes and just dream. Just start imagining things shifting and changing, cos when you stir it up.. things will happen. Bless you and have a great day!
PS... let me know what dreams come when you think outside the box and I'll totally cheer you on!
Image 1 - Created by Natalie Box
So great to have your inspiring voice back, Nat. Makes me really wish I'd gotten to know you better back in HK. Right now my big dream is to get my book published before my birthday in November. I got about half way through with editing on my trip to Czech, so it's looking hopeful :) looking forward to seeing where your creative stirring take you next :)
ReplyDeleteSarah you are amazing! I can't WAIT to read your book! Yes, you will totally do it before November. I am definitely cheering you on - go girl! Yay for the world of writing :):) And love your Czech pics on Insta - keep em coming! Ps... yes wish we'd hung more in HK, maybe we can meet half way between yours and mine for a blogging/writing inspiration session - Hawaii?! xxxx
DeleteI love your blog Nat - brightens my day xx
ReplyDeleteAnnie!!!!!!!! Thank you so much! Sending you love and a cup of tea on the balcony :) xxxx