"Hope deferred makes the heart sick, but a longing fulfilled is a tree of life". What does this mean for you? Deferred actually means to postpone, delay, hold up and hinder. Ouch. No one likes delays, I mean, who gets excited when you hear your flight has been delayed a few hours?! I don't think so!! So let's look at our our lovely friend the caterpillar below. He's looking pretty miserable, waiting, waiting, waiting, but what might seem like a delay is actually an essential part in preparing and strengthening for his next season. AND... look what happens the very next day... :)
We are always going to be hoping for something. We are created by the God who created the entire universe, so as His kids, of course we are constantly going to be longing and yearning for more. It's in our nature!! But in times when it seems nothing is happening, all the doors are closed and it seems there is no way, guess what...?

Ah, how comforting is that? :) So today, instead of allowing our "hope to defer", let's see it advancing. Did you know...?
So be encouraged, whatever it is you are going through, whatever you are waiting for, whatever you are believing for, God is shifting things around as you read these very words and He is working things together on your behalf. You are going to have an amazing day today!
love nat x
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Thanks for your comments. I pray you are encouraged and blessed! Please keep in touch :)
Nat xx