Yesterday we celebrated the wonderful life of my precious Grandma Beryl. She passed away on Sunday morning, her very favourite day of the week :) And now she is rejoicing in heaven. It's been quite an intense two weeks, but amidst the sadness and sorrow, I have been amazed and thankful for the precious gift of family and friends. Why is it that when we face sadness and tragedy, we just want to be surrounded by people we love? Well, it's because love heals. :) It brings truth and hope and "peace that surpasses our understanding"... so even in the midst of a storm, LOVE will always carry us through.
I love that. Love bears all things. To bear = is to support or carry the weight of something, to endure an ordeal or difficulty, to hold up and remain firm under a load. My Grandma definitely loved well. She loved God with all her heart, so it flowed through to me and everyone else she knew.
This is a little snippet of what I shared yesterday:
"I just loved being around Grandma. Whether it was for cups of tea or chats, I would always leave her house feel so encouraged, loved and filled with joy. When I was with her, it felt like time slowed down. Her love drew me there, and the busyness of life just stopped as I
entered her beautiful space.
The simplest things brought her so much joy, and she saw beauty in everything. Thinking about this has really challenged me; to see joy in the simple things, to make it a priority to always release the love of God wherever I go, and to spend as much quality time as I can with people I love. Because do you know what? At the end of the day... loving and being loved is all that matters."
The simplest things brought her so much joy, and she saw beauty in everything. Thinking about this has really challenged me; to see joy in the simple things, to make it a priority to always release the love of God wherever I go, and to spend as much quality time as I can with people I love. Because do you know what? At the end of the day... loving and being loved is all that matters."
So, here are some of the things I have learnt from Grandma. :)
1. Don't wait until someone is 'gone' to recognise their incredible qualities.
2. Make the most of every moment.
3. Love well and extravagantly.
4. Give generously from a pure and transformed heart.
5. Love every friend and family member as if it's the last time you'll see them.
6. Bring peace to every situation.
7. Prioritise spending quality time with loved ones.
8. Encourage others always.
9. Everyday, tell your friends and family how much you love them.
10. Take LOTS of photos.
I'm so thankful for the blessing my Grandma has been in my life. I can hardly believe it's actually true. I'm going to miss her so very much, but I know I will see her again. :)

Bless you my friends and have a wonderful day!! :)

Bless you my friends and have a wonderful day!! :)
nat x
Images - Pinterest