Hi guys, happy Tuesday :) Well, I've been writing away and I wanted to encourage you with another little sneak peek into my book. This snippet is from the chapter "Come Up Here... Because Anything Can Happen". I hope it blesses you! Love Nat xox
{ c o m e u p h e r e }
"When architects design buildings, plans are put into place with exceptional attention to detail, most likely incorporating many drafts. Workers on these enormous and complex projects must frequently liaise with the head architect, constantly referring to their original plans. What purpose would the plan be if the engineers looked at it once, and then proceeded to undertake a major project with no communication or discussions with the architects? That would be disastrous! Who would even think of doing that?! Surely no one right?
Our God is the perfect architect. Overseeing the hugest project in all eternity, he created the universe and everything in it. One of my favourite scriptures is Revelation 4:1.
"Come up here, and I will show you what must happen after this".
"He stretches out the stars over northern space, he hangs the earth on nothing".
Just stop for a moment and imagine the plans for God's "earth project". Think of every person on earth. There is a plan currently in place for each of them. Every living and breathing creature has been created with great love and purpose. So just as engineers must continue to refer back to the plan and liaise with their head architect, we must incline our ear to God's invitation to “come up here”. As we soar, everything becomes much clearer.
and everything shifts.
It’s pretty simple really. When we’re focused on ourself, and what’s happening around us (or not happening in some cases), we can’t see properly. Our thinking is limited and we’re basically giving discouragement and disappointment an open door. So what do we do?
It’s only when we stop and look around at the bigger picture that we can see with perspective. What is your circumstance at the moment? Maybe it’s an overwhelming situation. Maybe you need vision or direction. Maybe you just need a flat out miracle. Well, take a deep breath and listen to his voice. He wants to give you peace today. Can you hear him? He’s whispering to you, ‘Come up here’. :)"

I hope you enjoyed that little sneak peek :) May you be blessed today.
nat x
Images - Pinterest
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Thanks for your comments. I pray you are encouraged and blessed! Please keep in touch :)
Nat xx