Sunday, 22 February 2015

Dreams, dreams and sparkly friends.

Often when you're preparing to step out and do something great, things can feel a little intense. You're going against the grain and pioneering a NEW way, and sometimes it can feel like you're walking blind and you have no idea what you're doing. Thoughts of comparison and fear try and creep in and masquerade themselves as your actual thoughts (LIARS!) but as we forge ahead in our dreams, there is a gift God so generously gives us to strengthen and help us along our way.
Wonderful, amazing and sparkly friends! :)

It's 4 days until the launch of the brand new I've been working on it for six months now, it's a huge passion of mine and has been on my heart for a very long time. I can't actually believe it's happening. As with anyone believing for a dream to come to fruition, there have definitely been times I have experienced feelings of overwhelm, as well as quite a few "what the heck am I doing, is this dream too big?!" moments. :) BUT... I also know beyond a shadow of a doubt that this is a dream God has placed in my heart. He's created me to do it and he's also given me some extravagant encouragers along the way, all wrapped up in some dear and wonderful (and very sparkly!) friends :)
BIG dreamers need wonderful friends. I can say that with confidence and conviction. Best friends love you and celebrate with you when the dream is close, and they cheer you on in times when the dream feels impossible. So no matter where you are with your dreams, surround yourself with great friends because they can encourage your heart so deeply :)

Sometimes it's just chatting... 
Sometimes it's cracking up laughing...
Or it could be just walking...

Or just sharing life...

True friends always, always encourage your dreams, and your heart.

This is one of my most faaaavourite verses in the bible (Proverbs 17:22) and it's so true. How blessed are we that no matter what is going on in life, whatever we are going through, no matter how near or far our dreams may feel, spending time with friends is suchhhh a blessing. And if you find yourself needing a few more of these little blessings, just ask our great God and he will send them your way. I can tell you from experience, praying for friends absolutely works. Try it and see :)

So lovely dreamer... surround yourself with sparkly and fabulous friends this week, encourage one another and stir up the dreams because the world needs what YOU have to give! :)

Thank YOU for your encouragement in this website journey. :) 
4 sleeps to go!!

nat x

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PS... I wrote this blog on the gift of friendship a little while back... have a read if you like ;)


  1. Oh so incredibly true my dear! Love this!! Can't wait for this beautiful week ahead for you - exciting times!!! Cheering you on from England!

  2. very nice article..after very long time i see a brilliant content....thanks for sharing such a nice article .. keep posting..
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Thanks for your comments. I pray you are encouraged and blessed! Please keep in touch :)

Nat xx

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