Tuesday 22 January 2013

What are you putting your hope in?

What does hope feel like? Do you actually realise when you have hope? Do you notice when you don't have it? I know for me, when I have hope, I feel joyful. Do you know why? It's because hope and joy are reeeally good friends. They love hanging out! Wherever hope is, there you'll find joy. And when you see joy.. well just look around and you will be guaranteed to see her great friend hope! :)
So why is it that when we feel hopeful, we feel joyful? And when we have joy, we have hope in our hearts and nothing seems impossible?! Well for me, it's about what I'm focusing on. Whatever we focus on we become. And I find when I'm focusing on things that overwhelm me, and freeeaking me out, I just keep feeling overwhelmed. But when I shift my focus to the One who is hope and joy, despite how it may look in the natural.. when I just keep looking up.. keep declaring.. and keep getting in His Presence.. it's then that the joy comes.. like a flood. And then, as always like a faithful friend, along comes hope. :)
So let us keep lifting our eyes, because the hope-bringer and the joy-releaser
is also the freedom-giver. :)

Have a beautiful day!

nat x

Images1, 2, 3. 

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Thanks for your comments. I pray you are encouraged and blessed! Please keep in touch :)

Nat xx

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